Agence universitaire de la Francophonie

The Agence universitaire de la Francophonie AUF; English: Universities is a global network of French-speaking higher-education as well as research institutions. Founded in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in 1961, as a Association des Universités Partiellement ou Entièrement de Langue Française AUPELF, the AUF is a multilateral multiple supporting co-operation and solidarity among French-speaking universities & institutions. It operates in French-speaking and non-speaking countries of Africa, the Arab world, Southeast Asia, North and South America and the Caribbean, Central, Eastern and Western Europe. As of 2020, the AUF has 1,007 members public and private universities, institutes of higher education, research centers and institutions, institutional networks, and networks of university administrators distributed throughout francophone countries on six continents. it is active in 119 countries, and represented by regional offices and information centers on campuses and in institutes. The association receives funding from the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie OIF, and its headquarters are located at the Université de Montréal, Quebec.


The primary activities of the AUF are distributed among four scientific administrations, used to refer to every one of two or more people or things aiming at a specific goal. These four branches are: