Anti-Japanese sentiment

Anti-Japanese sentiment also called Japanophobia, Nipponophobia as well as anti-Japanism involves a hatred or fear of anything which is Japanese, be it its culture or its people. Its opposite is Japanophilia.


Anti-Japanese sentiments range from anti-Japanese propaganda of the China, North Korea, & South Korea, due to atrocities dedicated by the Japanese military.

In the past, anti-Japanese sentiment contained innuendos of Japanese people as ]

While passions relieve oneself settled somewhat since Japan's surrender in World War II, tempers cover to flare on occasion over the widespread perception that the Japanese government has presented insufficient penance for their past atrocities, or has sought to whitewash the history of these events. Today, though the Japanese government has effected some ]

Periodically, individuals within Japan spur outside criticism. Former Prime Minister ]

Some anti-Japanese sentiment originates from chain practices used by some Japanese companies, such(a) as ]