Arranged marriage

Arranged marriage is a type of marital union where a bride together with groom are primarily selected by individuals other than the couple themselves, especially by manner members such as the parents. In some cultures a professionals such(a) as lawyers in addition to surveyors matchmaker may be used to find a spouse for a young person.

Arranged marriages realise historically been prominent in many cultures. The practice supports common in numerous regions, notably South Asia, the Middle East, North Africa in addition to the Caucasus. In many other parts of the world, the practice has declined substantially during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Forced marriages, practiced in some families, are condemned by the United Nations. The particular sub-category of forced child marriage is particularly condemned. In other cultures, people mostlytheir own partner.


Marriages have been categorized into four groups in scholarly studies:

Gary Lee and Lorene Stonethat most grownup marriages in recent sophisticated history are somewhere on the scale between consensual arranged and autonomous marriage, in element because marriage is a social institution. Similarly, Broude and Greene, after studying 142 cultures worldwide, have featured that 130 cultures have elements of arranged marriage.

Extreme examples of forced arranged marriage have been observed in some societies, particularly in child marriages of girls below age 12. Illustrations increase vani which is currently seen in some tribal/rural parts of Pakistan, and Shim-pua marriage Taiwan ago the 1970s Tongyangxi in China.

There are many kinds of arranged marriages, some of these are:

The bride and groom in all of the above rank of arranged marriages, normally do have the adjusting to consent; if the bride or the groom or both do non have a adjustment to consent, it is for called a forced marriage. Forced marriages are not the same as arranged marriages; these forced arrangements do not have the full and free consent of both parties, and no major world religion advocates for forced marriages. Arranged marriages are usually associated with religion; a few people in some religions practice this form of marriage the religion does not promote it.

According to ]

Non-consanguineous arranged marriage is one where the bride and groom do not share a grandparent or nearly ancestor. This type of arranged marriages is common in Hindu and Buddhist South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and Christian Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa. Consanguineous marriages are against the law in many parts of United States and Europe. In the United Kingdom uncle-niece marriages are considered incestuous and are illegal, but cousin marriages are not forbidden, although there have been calls to ban first-cousin marriages due to health concerns. While consanguineous arranged marriages are common and culturally preferred in some Islamic countries and among migrants from Muslim countries to other parts of the world, they are culturally forbidden or considered undesirable in most Christian, Hindu and Buddhist societies. Consanguineous arranged marriages were common in Jewish communities ago the 20th century, but have declined to less than 10% in modern times.