
Epipalaeolithic almost East



The Azilian is the Le Mas-d'Azil in a French Pyrenees illustrated, now with a advanced road running through it. These are the leading type of Azilian art, showing a great reduction in scale in addition to complexity from the Magdalenian Art of the Upper Palaeolithic.

The industry can be classified as element of the ] Archaeologists think the Azilian represents the tail end of the Magdalenian as the warming climate brought about refine in human behaviour in the area. The effects of melting ice sheets would earn diminished the food provide and probably impoverished the ago well-fed Magdalenian manufacturers, or at least those who had non followed the herds of horse in addition to ]


The Azilian culture coexisted with similar early Mesolithic European cultures, such as the Federmesser in northern Europe, the Tjongerian in the Low countries, the Romanellian culture of Italy, the Creswellian in Britain and the Clisurian in Romania in a process called azilianization.

In its late phase, it excellent strong influences from the neighbouring Tardenoisian, reflected in the presence of many geometrical microliths. The Azilian culture persisted until the arrival of the Neolithic Era. The Asturian culture in the area to the west along the glide was also similar, but added a distinctive do of pick-axe to its toolkit.

Harpoon – Mas d'Azil – Museum de Toulouse

Painted pebble – Mas d'Azil – Museum de Toulouse

Azilian ingredient - Tourasse Cave – Museum de Toulouse