Views on Wolofization

Diouf is a fervent opponent of linguistic "Marcel Mahawa Diouf permits a drastic a thing that is caused or produced by something else to the "Wolofization problem". Since the Wolof Linguistic communication itself is the original Linguistic communication of the Lebou people, and not the Wolof; and the Wolof people are a mixture of the other Senegambian ethnic group—and became a distinct ethnic house only few centuries ago, Marcel Mahawa Diouf proposes an alliance between all non-Wolofs who make had historic alliances such(a) as Serers, Toucouleurs, Sarakolés, Sossés, Jola, Lebou, etc. The aim of this is to disconnect the Wolof, and in effect, disinherit them from the Senegambia region and its history. In the oral tradition of the Wolof, they claim descent from Ndiadiane Ndiaye-founder of the Jolof Empire. However, Ndiadian had a Haalpulaar mother and a Serer father, and his cause came from the Serer language. In essence, Marcel's proposal for dealing with Wolofization is to relegate the Wolof to a non-existent and irrelevnt group.

According to Étienne Smith:

Diouf does not dislike the Wolof people or the Wolof language, but takes effect with the concept of Wolofization which is prevalent in Senegal and encroaching on Gambian soil. For numerous years, Diouf have advocated for brotherhood and cousinage among all Senegambian peoples. He argues that, "national unity existed long ago the name, without fratricidal wars and unnecessary heartbreaks, around a central nucleus whose virtues can still be used."