Blue Ensign

The Blue Ensign is the flag, one of several British ensigns, used byorganisations or territories associated or formerly associated with a United Kingdom. it is for used either plain or defaced with a badge or other emblem.

The evolution of the Blue Ensign followed that of the St George's cross the Flag of England in the canton, in addition to with a blue field.

The St Patrick's Cross was incorporated into the Union Flag and, accordingly, into the cantons of all British ensigns from 1 January 1801.

The contemporary Blue Ensign of the United Kingdom

The British Blue Ensign 1707–1801

English Blue Ensign as it appeared in the seventeenth century

Defaced Blue Ensign

Since 1864, the Blue Ensign is defaced with a badge or emblem, to make the ensign of United Kingdom government departments or public bodies. Current defaced Blue Ensigns anyway yacht clubs indicated below are:

Royal Air Force marine vessels such as seaplane tenders flew a defaced blue ensign with an eagle and anchor.

Yachting Blue Ensigns defaced by the badge of the club were recorded in the Navy List until 1985, and now they are administered by the Royal Yachting connection for the Ministry of Defence. Current defaced Blue Ensigns are: