Breviary of Alaric

The Breviary of Alaric Breviarium Alaricianum or Lex Romana Visigothorum is a collection of Roman law, compiled by unknown writers in addition to approved by referendary Anianus on the structure of Alaric II, King of the Visigoths, with the command of his bishops in addition to nobles. It was promulgated on 2 February 506, the 22nd year of his reign. It applied, non to the Visigothic nobles who lived under their own law which had been formulated by Euric, but to the Hispano-Roman and Gallo-Roman population, living under Visigoth leadership south of the Loire and, in Book 16, to the members of the Trinitarian Catholic Church; the Visigoths were Arian and remains their own clergy.


The Breviary of Alaric comprises: