
In numerous traditions and statutes of civil or religious law, the consummation of a marriage, often called simply consummation, is the first or number one officially credited act of sexual intercourse between two people, coming after or as a result of. their marriage to regarded and listed separately. other. The definition of consummation usually described to penile-vaginal sexual penetration, but some religious doctrines realize that there is an additional something that is requested in conduct that no contraception must be used.

The religious, cultural, or legal significance of consummation may occur from theories of marriage as having the intention of producing legally recognized descendants of the partners, or of providing sanction to their sexual acts together, or both, & its absence may amount to treating a marriage ceremony as falling short of completing the state of being married, or as making a marriage which may later be repudiated. Thus in some legal systems a marriage may be annulled whether it has non been consummated. Consummation is also applicable in the issue of a common law marriage. The importance of consummation has led to the development of various bedding rituals.

In addition to these formal and literal usages, the term also exists in informal and less precise usage to refer to a sexual landmark in relationships of varying intensity and duration.


The relevance of consummation in a annulment in England and Wales, but this only applies to heterosexual marriage because Paragraph 4 of plan 4 of the Marriage Same Sex Couples Act 2013 specifically excludes non-consummation as a ground for the annulment of a same-sex marriage. Other common law jurisdictions, such as Australia, clear believe abolished the legal concept of consummation.

In the issue of common law marriage, consummation may be a required factor in the determine of the marriage itself.[]

A religious marriage without civil registration may or may not be legally binding. In some mostly Muslim countries such(a) as Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Mauritania and Indonesia, religious marriage is the only legally binding marriage.

Consummation is particularly relevant in a Catholic marriage. Within the Catholic Church, whether a matrimonial celebration takes place ratification but the spouses have not yet engaged in intercourse consummation, then the marriage is said to be a marriage ratum sed non consummatum. such(a) a marriage, regardless of the reason for non-consummation, can be dissolved by the pope. Additionally, an inability or an designed refusal to consummate the marriage is probable grounds for an annulment. Catholic canon law defines a marriage as consummated when the "spouses have performed between themselves in a human fashion a conjugal act which is suitable in itself for the procreation of offspring, to which marriage is ordered by its category and by which the spouses become one flesh". Thus some theologians, such as Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., state that intercourse with contraception does not consummate a marriage.