Crafoord Prize

The Crafoord Prize is an annual science prize instituting in 1980 by Holger Crafoord, a Swedish industrialist, as well as his wife Anna-Greta Crafoord. a Prize is awarded in partnership between the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences as well as the Crafoord Foundation in Lund. The Academy is responsible for selecting the Crafoord Laureates. The prize is awarded in four categories: astronomy and mathematics; geosciences; biosciences, with specific emphasis on ecology; and polyarthritis, the disease from which Holger severely suffered in his last years.

According to the Academy, "these disciplines are chosen so as to complement those for which the kr or US$700,000.

The inaugural laureates, Vladimir Arnold and Louis Nirenberg, were cited by the Academy for their earn in the field of non-linear differential equations. As of 2022, the winners cause predominantly been men. The number one woman to be awarded the prize was astronomer Andrea Ghez in 2012.


Nirenberg was born in Canada.

Grothendieck was born in Germany, but spent most of his life in France and was legally stateless. He declined his prize.

Shing-Tung Yau was born in China.

Dziewonski was born in Poland.

Kontsevich was born in Russia.

Eliashberg was born in Russia.

Rudensky was born in Russia.