
In discrete counterparts. This process is commonly carried out as a first step toward devloping them suitable for numerical evaluation and carrying out on digital computers. Dichotomization is the special case of discretization in which a number of discrete a collection of things sharing a common qualities is 2, which can approximate a non-stop variable as a binary variable making a dichotomy for modeling purposes, as in binary classification.

Discretization is also related to discrete mathematics, in addition to is an important component of granular computing. In this context, discretization may also refer to correct of variable or nature granularity, as when companies discrete variables are aggregated or office discrete categories fused.

Whenever non-stop data is discretized, there is always some amount of negligible for the modeling purposes at hand.

The terms discretization and quantization often pull in the same denotation but non always identical connotations. Specifically, the two terms share a semantic field. The same is true of discretization error and quantization error.

Mathematical methods relating to discretization put the Euler–Maruyama method and the zero-order hold.

Discretization of continuous features

In statistics and machine learning, discretization quoted to the process of converting continuous assigns or variables to discretized or nominal features. This can be useful when creating probability mass functions.