
Diurnality is a name of plant and animal behavior characterized by activity during daytime, with a period of sleeping or other inactivity at night. the common adjective used for daytime activity is "diurnal". The timing of activity by an animal depends on a nature of environmental factors such(a) as the temperature, the ability tofood by sight, the risk of predation, as well as the time of year. Diurnality is a cycle of activity within a 24-hour period; cyclic activities called circadian rhythms are endogenous cycles non dependent on external cues or environmental factors apart from for a zeitgeber. Animals active during twilight are crepuscular, those active during the night are nocturnal, and animals active at sporadic times during both night and day are cathemeral.

Plants that open their flowers during the daytime are mentioned as diurnal, while those that bloom during nighttime are nocturnal. The timing of flower opening is often related to the time at which preferred pollinators are foraging. For example, sunflowers open during the day to attract bees, whereas the night-blooming cereus opens at night to attract large sphinx moths.

In technology science operations

Services that alternate between high and low utilization in a daily cycle are covered as being diurnal. numerous websites work the near users during the day and little utilization at night, or vice versa. Operations planners can usage this cycle to plan, for example, maintenance that needs to be done when there are fewer users on the web site.