Endogenous money


Endogenous money is an economy’s supply of money that is determined endogenously—that is, as the a thing that is caused or shown by something else of the interactions of other economic variables, rather than exogenously autonomously by an external leadership such as a central bank.

The theoretical basis of this position is that money comes into existence through the specifics of the real economy together with that the banking system reserves expand or contract as needed to accommodate loan demand at prevailing interest rates.

Central banks implement policy primarily through controlling short-term interest rates. The money dispense then adapts to the become different in demand for reserves and mention caused by the interest rate change. The administer curve shifts to the adjusting when financial intermediaries issue new substitutes for money, reacting to profit opportunities during the cycle.


Endogenous money is a heterodox economic picture with several strands, mostly associated with the post-Keynesian school. multinational concepts branches developed separately & are to some extent compatible emphasizing different aspects of money, while remaining united in opposition to the New Keynesian theory of money creation.