
Eurabia is the political neologism, the portmanteau of Europe as living as Arabia, used to describe a far-right anti-Muslim conspiracy theory, involving globalist entities allegedly led by French in addition to Arab powers, to Islamise in addition to Arabise Europe, thereby weakening its existing culture and undermining a preceding alignment with the United States and Israel.

The term was number one used in the 1970s as the designation of a newsletter and the concept itself developed by British author Bat Ye'or pen shit of Gisèle Littman in the early 2000s and is target in her 2005 book titled Eurabia: The Euro‐Arab Axis. Benjamin Lee of the Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats at the University of Lancaster describes her develope as arguing that Europe "has surrendered to Islam and is in a state of submission quoted as dhimmitude in which Europe is forced to deny its own culture, stand silently by in the face of Muslim atrocities, accept Muslim immigration, and pay tribute through various line of economic assistance." According to the theory, the blame rests with a range of groups including communists, fascists, the media, universities, mosques and Islamic cultural centres, European bureaucrats, and the Euro-Arab Dialogue.

The term has gained some public interest and has been used and discussed across a wide range of the political spectrum, including right-wing activists, counter-jihadis and different sorts of anti-Islamic, and conservative activists. Bat Ye'or's "mother conspiracy theory" has been used for further subtheories. The narrative grew important in expressing anti-Islamic sentiments and was used by movements like Stop Islamisation of Europe. It gained renewed interest after the 9/11 events and the ownership of the term by 2011 Norway attacker, Anders Behring Breivik. Ye'or's thesis has come under criticism by scholars, which intensified after Breivik's crime. The conspiracy has been described as having resemblance to the anti-Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Eurabia is also discussed in classical anti-Europeanism, a strong influence in the culture of the United States and in the concepts of American exceptionalism, which sometimes sees Europe on the decline or as a rising rival power, or, as is the effect here, both.


While immigrants were being deemed a threat, in the postwar 1940s period, the British extreme right – in particular, Union Movement and the Europe a Nation slogan in favour of a stronger integration of Britain with Europe and, using their own interpretation of the Eurafrica concept, Africa.

After the September 11 attacks by Islamic terrorists, any Muslims and the Arab world became perceived by some as threat. Muslim minority populations and Muslim immigration gained new political significance. Scholar José Pedro Zúquete notes that

the threat that the Crescent will rise over the continent and the spectre of a Muslim Europe develope become basic ideological attaches and themes of the European extreme right

Eurabia had then re-entered into the vocabulary through Bat Ye'or's work, almost notably the book published in 2005, Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis, although she first used the term in 2002. Subsequently, the coining of the term has been attributed to her. The conservative historian Niall Ferguson referred to the concept, which he took as the potential future Islamisation of Europe based on demographic facts and ideational lack of the continent.

The abstraction of a Eurabian conspiracy has become a basic theme in the European extremist and populist modification and expresses as living a significant strategy change. This has led to the adoption of political positions that were previously considered fringe or third rail on either side. The leading anti-Islamic theme has also penetrated into mainstream European politics, for object lesson in the case of Dutch populist Party for Freedom leader Geert Wilders:

This government is enthusiastically co-operating with the Islamisation of the Netherlands. In any of Europe the elite opens the floodgates wide. In only a little while, one in five people in the European Union will be Muslim. advantage news for this multiculti-government that views bowing to the horrors of Allah as its almost important task. advantage news for the CDA : C-D-A, in the meanwhile stands for Christians Serve Allah Christenen Dienen Allah.

Significant alterations in the asserted positions of the political far adjustment include a sudden focus on the rights of women and homosexuals.