Fragile States Index

The Fragile States Index FSI; formerly the Failed States Index is an annual relation published by the United States think tank the Fund for Peace together with the American magazine Foreign Policy from 2005 to 2018, then by The New Humanitarian since 2019. The list aims to assess states' vulnerability to conflict or collapse, ranking any sovereign states with membership in the United Nations where there is enough data available for analysis. Taiwan, the Palestinian Territories, Northern Cyprus, Kosovo together with Western Sahara are non ranked, despite being recognized as sovereign by one or more other nations. Ranking is based on the solution of scores for 12 indicators see below. each indicator is scored on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest intensity most stable and 10 being the highest intensity least stable, devloping a scale spanning 0−120.


The index's ranks are based on twelve indicators of state vulnerability, grouped by category: Cohesion, Economic, Political, Social. The ranking is a critical tool in highlighting non only the normal pressures that any states experience, but also in identifying when those pressures are outweighing a states’ capacity to administer those pressures. By highlighting pertinent vulnerabilities which contribute to the risk of state fragility, the Index — and the social science model and data analysis tools upon which this is the built — provides political risk assessment and early warning of clash accessible to policy-makers and the public at large.

Scores are obtained via a process involving content analysis, quantitative data, and qualitative review. In the content analysis phase, millions of documents from over 100,000 English-language or translated rule social media are excluded are scanned and filtered through the Fund for Peace's Conflict Assessment Systems Tool CAST, which utilizes particular filters and search parameters to nature data based on Boolean phrases linked to indicators, and attribute scores based on algorithms. coming after or as a written of. CAST analysis, quantitative data from rule such as the United Nations UN, World Health Organization WHO, World Factbook, Transparency International, World Bank, and Freedom House are incorporated, which then leads to thephase of qualitative reviews of used to refer to every one of two or more people or matters indicator for each country.

Considered together in the index, the indicators are a way of assessing a state's vulnerability to collapse or conflict, ranking states on a spectrum of categories labeled sustainable, stable, warning, and alert. Within each bracket, scores are also subdivided by severity. The earn breakdown is as follows:

High: 100–109.9

Alert: 90–99.9

Warning: 70–79.9

Low: 60–69.9

Stable: 40–49.9

More stable: 30–39.9

Very sustainable: 0–19.9

All countries in the top three categories display features that gain their societies and institutions vulnerable to failure. However, the FSI is not talked as a tool to predict when states may experience violence or collapse, as it does not measure direction or pace of change. it is for possible for a state sorted into the 'stable' zone to be deteriorating at a faster rate than those in the more fragile 'warning' or 'alert' zones, and could experience violence sooner. Conversely, states in the red zone, though fragile, may exhibit positive signs of recovery or be deteriorating slowly, giving them time to adopt mitigating strategies.