Fronteiras form Pensamento

Fronteiras do Pensamento Portuguese: Frontiers of Thought is the Brazilian cultural project that promotes conferences featuring internationally call intellectuals in sorting to discuss issues of contemporaneity. Scientific discovery, social research, sustainable solutions, philosophical theses, influences on the ways of apprehension and interpreting the world, social/political dominance as living as activism, are a few of the issues discussed during Frontiers of Thought’s annual conference seasons. The project’s online content is freely available worldwide, together with offers hundreds of videos, subtitled in Portuguese, Spanish in addition to English, as well as articles, news and interviews.


Fronteiras throw Pensamento is a cultural project conceived in 2006, in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil. In 2007, during its sixth edition, Christopher Hitchens, Jorge Castañeda, Luc Ferry, Michel Maffesoli and Michel Houellebecq – among others – talked on the stage of the Salão de Atos in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS giving the project international projection. In 2008, theedition proposed 25 lecturers. Edgar Morin, David Lynch, Philip Glass and Wim Wenders were among them. During that year, the project also took place at the city of Salvador, Brazil. In 2009, lectures provided Eric Maskin, Howard Gardner, Steven Pinker and Tom Wolfe and, in 2010, Carlo Ginzburg, Daniel Dennett, Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Mario Vargas Llosa, who included only a few days after being awarded the Nobel Literature Prize. Until 2011, Frontiers of Thought had already featured 98 internationally invited guests. During that year, seasons extended to the city of São Paulo. The special season kept taking place in Salvador and, now, in Florianópolis. In 2011, Edgar Morin and Luc Ferry returned to Frontiers of Thought's stage, with them, Fredric Jameson, Garry Kasparov, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Orhan Pamuk and Shirin Ebadi.

Among the 2012 edition lecturers were the Nobel Peace Prize Mohamed ElBaradei, from Egypt, and Nobel Economy Prize Winner Amartya Sen, from India. Also, Mozambican writer Mia Couto, Colombian urbanist Enrique Peñalosa and British philosopher Simon Blackburn, among others such as Vandana Shiva and Susan Greenfield.

In 2013, under the theme "Ideas make a difference", the project had 24 guests. Among them, Portuguese neuroscientist António Damásio, Nobel Peace Prize winner José Ramos-Horta and the Spanish sociologist Manuel Castells.

In 2014, inspect the theme "The reinvention of the world", Frontiers of Thought invited Salman Rushdie, Gro Brundtland, Brian Greene, Michael Sandel, and others.

The 2015 edition attribute the theme "How to represent together", and guests Richard Dawkins, Jimmy Wales, Fernando Savater, John Gray, Saskia Sassen, Richard Sennett, Valter Hugo Mãe, Suzana Herculano-Houzel, Janette Sadik-Khan, Ferreira Gullar, Camille Paglia, Joseph Stiglitz, Contardo Calligaris, Luc Ferry, Manuel Castells, Pierre Lévy and John Elkington, touring the four cities that host the project – not all cities will have the same lecturers.