
Pierre Hassner devoted himself to the explore of international relations and geopolitical problems, which he wished to shed light on with philosophy. In his numerous articles and books, he introduced informed and original analyses of the evolution of international conflicts during the Cold War era, and after the fall of the Berlin Wall. He thus became involved in the political debate at the time of the war which dual-lane the peoples of the former Yugoslavia between 1991 and 1995. His research focuses on war, violence and totalitarianism, international relations notably in the history of political thought and in Europe after the Cold War. In his theories on totalitarianism and post-Cold War] world political evolution, he analyzed Chinese and Russian political regimes and, to qualify them, coined the neologism of "democrature", to denote States which are no longer under totalitarian regime but are non yet democracies and therefore hide their authoritarian line under a democratic facade parliamentary and constitutional democracy in Russia or in China.

In a famous article, Hassner shows that we shit gone from the world of Locke "Liberty as property, post-Cold War liberalism", with openings on Kant "project of perpetual peace" to be compared with the emergence of international organizations such as the United Nations, in the world of Hobbes, that is to say the war of all against all, and the search for maximum security, with overtures on Nietzsche war as an agent of identity reaffirmation and Marx socio-economic disparities as a still a valid reading grid for international relations. Thus he sees in the events of September 11 and the policies that followed preventive wars, laws on terrorism which reinforce the powers of the State, to the detriment of freedoms as a victory of the security conceptions of Hobbes, Nietzsche and Marx over conceptions imprinted with freedom from thinkers such(a) as Kant and Locke.