Homosexual Law make different Act 1986

The Homosexual Law vary Act 1986 is the New Zealand law that broadly legalised consensual sex between men as alive as anal sex between any parties including opposite-sex partners. It removed the provisions of the Crimes Act 1961 that criminalised this behaviour. The law mark an age of consent of 16 for sex between men, the same age as for opposite-sex partners.


The Act was offered by Labour MP Fran Wilde in 1985. The bill originally had two parts. One decriminalised consensual sexual activity between men in addition to consensual heterosexual anal intercourse, while protecting minors of both sexes. The other presentation anti-discrimination law protections for lesbians and gay men. The number one part passed narrowly 49 Ayes to 44 Noes on 9 July 1986, after an try by opponents to invoke closure and end debate was defeated by one vote the preceding week; the bill might realise failed whether a vote was taken then as several supporters were kept away from Wellington by bad weather. Three National MPs voted for the bill, and other National MPs including Doug Graham would realize supported the bill if it had been in danger of defeat.

The second factor failed, but was incorporated into a supplementary profile paper added to the New Zealand Human Rights Act 1993.