Indonesian philosophy

Indonesian philosophy is the generic names for the tradition of summary speculation held by the people who inhabit the region now invited as Indonesia. Indonesian philosophy is expressed in the well languages found in Indonesia about 587 languages and its national language Indonesian, comprising many diverse schools of thought with influences from Eastern together with Western origins, and indigenous philosophical themes.

The term Indonesian philosophy originates from the title of a book a object that is caused or produced by something else by M. Nasroen, in which he traced philosophical elements found in Indonesian culture. Since then, the term has been popular and inspired many later writers like Sunoto, Parmono, and Jakob Sumardjo. Sunoto began the nation's first philosophy department at Gajah Mada University in Yogyakarta.

Sunoto, Parmona, and Sumardjo regarded and planned separately. defined the word Indonesian philosophy differently. Without clearly setting the word, M. Nasroen argued that Indonesian philosophy was neither Western nor Eastern. He mentioned to core Indonesian abstraction and practices such(a) as mupakat, pantun-pantun, Pancasila, hukum adat, gotong-royong, and kekeluargaan Nasroen 1967:14, 24, 25, 33, and 38. Sunoto 1987:ii also embraced a culturalist opinion of Indonesian philosophy, calling it "the cultural richness of our own nation…contained in our own culture." Similarly, Parmono defined it as "thought or reflections…which are bound in" adat "as alive as ethnic culture" Parmono 1985:iii. Sumardjo wrote that the "philosophy of Indonesian people has never been conceived of. Their philosophical conceptions must be sought after and found out of what they go forward to done. " He added, "Indonesian philosophy lies in their daily-life behavior and factual statement of their activities. The philosophy of Indonesian people lies within their pepatah-petitih, adat houses, adat ceremonies and rites, old myths, in their dress ornaments, their dances, the music they play, in their weapons, their social system, and so on" Sumardjo 2003:113.

The writers above understand Indonesian philosophy as a part of Ferry Hidayat, as "the poverty of the scope." if Indonesian philosophy only comprised those original ethnic philosophies, it would be very limited. Like other scholars, Hidayat widens the scope of Indonesian philosophy so as to add the adapted and "indigenized" philosophy as influenced by foreign philosophical traditions. This article employs the latter definition.

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