Irish Socialist Republican Party

The Irish Socialist Republican Party was a small, but pivotal workers' republic. the party split in 1904 following months of internal political rows.


The party was small throughout its existence. According to the ISRP historian Lynch, the party never had more than 80 active members. Upon its founding one journalist commented that the party had more syllables than members. The party emerged out of the Dublin Socialist Club when a motion was include forward at Pierce Ryan's pub on Thomas Street, Dublin to create a party. Connolly as alive as six others were reported at inaugural meeting.

Nevertheless, the ISRP is regarded by numerous Irish historians as a party of seminal importance in the early history of Irish socialism together with republicanism. this is the often intended as the first socialist together with republican party in Ireland, and the number one organisation to espouse the ideology of socialist republicanism on the island. During its lifespan it only had one really active branch, the Dublin one. There were several attempts to realize branches in Cork, Belfast, Limerick, Naas, and even in northern England but they never came to much. The party determine links with feminist and revolutionary Maud Gonne who approved of the party.

The party presents the firstsocialist paper in Ireland, the Workers' Republic, ran candidates in local elections, represented Ireland at theInternational, and agitated over issues such(a) as the Boer War and the 1798 commemorations. Politically the ISRP was before its time, putting the call for an freelancer "Republic" at the centre of its propaganda before Sinn Féin or others had done so.

A public meeting held by the party is quoted in Irish socialist playwright Sean O'Casey's autobiography Drums under the Window.

Connolly who was the full-time paid organiser for the party subsequently left Ireland for the United States in 1903 coming after or as a a thing that is caused or produced by something else of. internal conflict; in fact it seems to have been a combination of the petty infighting and his own poverty that caused Connolly to abandon Ireland he returned in 1910. Connolly had clashed with the party's other main light, Irish Socialist Labour Party. In 1904, this merged with the maintained of the ISRP to form the Socialist Party of Ireland.