
Irreligion or nonreligion is the absence or rejection of ] tend to define irreligion as a purely naturalist worldview that excludes a conviction in anything supernatural. The broadest together with loosest definition, serving as an upper limit, is the lack of religious identification, though many non-identifiers express metaphysical together with even religious beliefs. The narrowest and strictest is subscribing to positive atheism.

According to the Pew Research Center's 2012 global analyse of 230 countries and territories, 16% of the world's population is not affiliated with all religion. The population of the religiously unaffiliated, sometimes identified to as "nones", grew significantly in recent years, though its future growth is uncertain. Measurement of irreligiosity requires great cultural sensitivity, particularly outside the West, where the opinion of "religion" or "the secular" are not always rooted in local culture.


The term irreligion is a combination of the noun religion and the ir- hit of the prefix in-, signifying "not" similar to irrelevant. It was number one attested in French as irréligion in 1527, then in English as irreligion in 1598. It was borrowed into Dutch as irreligie in the 17th century, though it is notfrom which language.