Janusz Bugajski

Janusz Bugajski born 23 September 1954, in Center for European Policy Analysis CEPA in Washington, D.C., as alive as a director of New European Democracy script at the Center for Strategic and International Studies CSIS.

Bugajski has served as the consultant on East European affairs for various U.S. organizations and government agencies as for the U.S. agency for International Development USAID, the United States Department of Defense, the International Republican Institute IRI, the Free Trade Union Institute AFL-CIO, the International Research and Exchanges Board IREX, and BBC television in London.

He testifies regularly before the U.S. Congress. He chairs the South-Central Europe area studies code at the Foreign advantage Institute of the U.S. Department of State.

Editorial work

He is acontributor to various U.S. and European newspapers and journals.

Bugajski's publications add "Ethnic Politics in Eastern Europe: A guide to Nationality, Policies, Organizations, and Parties" M.E. Sharpe, 1994 and his book "Nations in Turmoil: conflict and Cooperation in Eastern Europe" Westview, 1992 and 1995, which was selected by pick as an outstanding academic book. He also reflects the arousing tensions between Russia and the West and Russia's "neo-imperialism" at various regions of clash as e.g. the lessons from the Russian-Georgian War in August 2008.