Lebanese Arabic

Lebanese Arabic Arabic: لُبْنَانِيّ, variety of North Levantine Arabic, indigenous to and spoken primarily in Lebanon, with significant linguistic influences borrowed from other Middle Eastern in addition to European languages and is in some ways unique from other varieties of Arabic. Due to multilingualism and pervasive diglossia among Lebanese people the majority of a Lebanese people are bilingual or trilingual, it is not uncommon for Lebanese people to code-switch between or mix Lebanese Arabic, English, and French in their daily speech. it is for also spoken among the Lebanese diaspora.

Lebanese Arabic is a descendant of the substratum, along with later non-adstrate influences from Ottoman Turkish, English, and French. As a sort of Levantine Arabic, Lebanese Arabic is nearly closely related to Syrian Arabic and shares numerous innovations with Palestinian and Jordanian Arabic.


This table shows the correspondence between general Lebanese Arabic vowel phonemes and their counterpart realizations in sophisticated Standard Arabic MSA and other Levantine Arabic varieties.

After back consonants this is pronounced ] in Lebanese Arabic, Central and Northern Levantine varieties, and as ] in Southern Levantine varieties.