Left–right paradigm

The left–right paradigm is the concept from political sciences as alive as anthropology which proposes that societies shit a tendency to divide themselves into ideological opposites. Important contributions to the belief of a paradigm were provided by British social anthropologist Rodney Needham, who saw it as a basic human classifying device. It shares affinity with the cultural "romantic-classic" paradigm.

The term is used to analyze political discourse since the 19th century. It has, however, been suggested that in the 21st century the paradigm will become less useful as a tool of social as alive as political analysis; some of the major current issues such(a) as population growth, individual liberties and biological warfare cannot be said to let for either a left- or right-wing perspective.

False left–right paradigm political theory

The "false left–right paradigm" is the political view that members of opposing political parties such(a) as Republican together with Democrat deceptively share common interests and goals, as a one body ruling sources over the masses. The two parties act to form divisiveness and influence the general population while keeping predominance of the political spectrum. The false left–right paradigm political theory is closely related to theory of Inverted totalitarianism and Managed Democracy.

The false left–right paradigm theorizes that opposing political groups ownership their influence over the imposing media to dramatize party warfare distraction, in grand performances of bureaucratic rivalry meant to propagandize and divide the populace. Psychological deception is coordinated on all levels of politics and fed through controlled media outlets to divert attention away from the ruling class's hidden agendas. By drawing attention to differences between two political systems, ideologies, races, and classes, the political groups obscure and divide unity among the masses. The tactic creates confusion and frustration among the population, enabling the global elite to include and consolidate their wealth and power to direct or defining through maintaining an illusion of a two-party system of checks and balances.

Former Council on Foreign Relations CFR archivist and Georgetown University professor Carroll Quigley, who is asked as being President Bill Clinton's mentor, wrote in his 1966 book "Tragedy and Hope"—