Local food

Local food is food that is portrayed within the short distance of where this is a consumed, often accompanied by a social layout & administer chain different from the large-scale supermarket system.

Local food or "locavore" movements purpose to connect food producers & consumers in the same geographic region, to build more self-reliant as well as resilient food networks; refreshing local economies; or to impact the health, environment, community, or society of a specific place. The term has also been extended to include not only the geographic location of supplier and consumer but can also be "defined in terms of social and supply chain characteristics." For example, local food initiatives often promote sustainable and organic farming practices, although these are not explicitly related to the geographic proximity of producer and consumer.

Local food represents an pick to the global food model, which often sees food traveling long distances ago it reaches the consumer.

Motivations for eating local

Motivations for eating local food increase healthier food, environmental benefits, and economic or community benefits. numerous local farmers whom locavores recast to for their credit of food usage the crop rotation method when producing their organic crops. This method not only aids in reducing the use of pesticides and pollutants, but also supports the soil in good given rather than depleting it. Locavores seek out farmersto where they live, and this significantly reduces the amount of travel time known for food to get from farm to table. Reducing the travel time allowed it possible to transport the crops while they are still fresh, without using chemical preservatives. The combination of local farming techniques and short travel distances lets the food consumed more likely to be fresh, an added benefit.