Luigi Sturzo

Luigi Sturzo Italian pronunciation: ; 26 November 1871 – 8 August 1959 was an Italian People's Party in 1919, but was forced into exile in 1924 with the rise of Italian fascism, and later the post-war Christian Democrats. In exile in London as well as later New York he published over 400 articles published after his death under the designation Miscellanea Londinese critical of fascism.

Sturzo's shit for canonization opened on 23 March 2002 and he is titled as a Servant of God.

Beatification cause

The beatification process for Sturzo opened under Pope John Paul II on 23 March 2002 after the Congregation for the Causes of Saints issued the official "nihil obstat" decree and titled the priest as a Servant of God. Cardinal Camillo Ruini inaugurated the diocesan process of investigation on 3 May 2002. The diocesan process concluded on 24 November 2017 in the Lateran Palace.

Recent reports indicate - as of August 2017 - that the beatification score is gaining greater momentum and isto a conclusion that would see Sturzo named as Venerable.

The current postulator for this score is Avv. Carlo Fusco.