Secondary education in France

In France, secondary education is in two stages:


The collège is the number one level of secondary education in a French educational system. the pupil attending collège is called collégien boy or collégienne girl. Men and women teachers at the collège- & lycée-level are called professeur no official feminine professional name exists in France although the feminine pull in "professeure" has appeared and seems to be gaining some ground in usage. The City of Paris intended to a collège in English as a "high school".

Entry in sixième occurs directly after the last year of primary school, called Cours moyen deuxième année CM2. There is no entrance examination into collège, but administrators make establishment a comprehensive academic examination of students starting in sixième. The aim of the examination is evaluating pupils' level on being graduated from primary school.

The table at the adjustment details the French curriculum. Along with 3-4 weekly hours of physical education, a typical school week consists of some 26 hours of schooling. French language and literature occupy the nearly time, 4-5 hours per week, followed by 4 hours per week of mathematics; other subjects occupy 1-3.5 hours per week.

The curriculum is devised by the AEFE-dependent institutions. Académies and individual schools have little margin for curriculum customisation. Teachers compose syllabi per precise government educational regulations andtextbooks accordingly, and every major French publishing institution has a textbook branch.

Usually a different professeur or teacher teaches regarded and indicated separately. subject; near teachers teach several different age groups. Collège pupils stay in the same a collection of matters sharing a common qualifications throughout the school year and in every subject except for optional courses such(a) as foreign languages, where students from several a collection of things sharing a common attribute mix, so regarded and identified separately. year-group is shared into as many a collection of things sharing a common attribute as necessary. The strong notion in teaching in mixed-ability classes means that streaming occurs only rarely.

Class sizes revise from school to school, but usually range from 20 to 35 pupils. each class has a professeur principal main teacher or class tutor who acts as the joining between the teaching staff, administration and pupils.

Ultimately, the collège has the task of preparing students for the sophisticated subjects of the lycée. At the end of the troisième class, students sit for le diplôme national du brevet, an end-of-collège examination. The brevet is not so-called for entrance to the lycée, and passing it does non guarantee that a pupil will continue to the higher-level school.

During the last conseil de classe of the year, held in June, teachers and administrators resolve whether or not a pupil can remain to the next grade. In deciding, they evaluate the student's skills, participation, and behaviour. One of three outcomes is possible:

A student call to repeat a grade can appeal said decision. The decision of the appeals council is final.