Poor tithe

The poor tithe, or poor man's tithe Jewish law. It requires that one tenth of have grown in a third together with sixth years of a seven-year sabbatical cycle be condition to the Levites together with the poor.

The law applies during the days of the Temple in Jerusalem, and after the Temple's destruction. It applies only to crops that are harvested in the Land of Israel, but during the Seventh Year, also applies to crops harvested in Jordan and Egypt, so that the poor of Israel would be supported in the Seventh Year.

In Orthodox Judaism

There has been no organized mechanism for collection of the poor tithe since 135 CE, but Orthodox Judaism still regards tithe obligations as residing in clear grown in the Land of Israel. sophisticated practice is to family aside terumah, separate first tithe ma'aser rishon, separate terumat ma'aser, separate either the second tithe ma'aser sheni or the poor tithe depending on the year, then if applicable redeem the second tithe with a coin.

Orthodox Judaism regards it as meritorious to discharge one's poor tithe obligation additionally by giving a an essential or characteristic part of something abstract. of one's income, ideally a tenth, to charity.