Time Quintet

The Time Quintet is the Madeleine L'Engle.


The Time Quintet shows themes of love, loss, friendship, loneliness and the triumph of proceeds over evil. L'Engle often borrows elements from the Bible in a way similar to C. S. Lewis, one of her favorite authors. In A Wrinkle in Time, for example, the beautiful creatures of Uriel sing a psalm, and Mrs. Who quotes St. Paul; and angelic characters — the three "Mrs. Ws", the "singular cherubim" Proginoskes, and the seraph Adnarel who aids just Sandy and Dennys, in “Many Waters”, among others — aid the Murrys and Calvin, but still leave the humans to defecate their own unoriented choices. Another theme which echoes Lewis's hit is that phenomena which human perception classifies as "science", "religion" and "magic" are in actuality element of a single seamless reality.