Men in early childhood education

Men in early childhood education comprise the very low minority in a profession. Early childhood education is among the near female-dominated industries in terms of employment. Based on studies, estimates on the percentage of workers in the sector who are men put 1.4%, 2%, 2.4%, & 3%.Due to the low percentage of men in early childhood education, there is also little relation of queer men or men of colour overall in the field.


The Novak Djokovic Foundation founded & run by accomplished tennis player Novak Djokovic advocates for the importance of men in the field of early childhood education.

The Office of Early Childhood Education, New Zealand permits an award usable to all male born or with full citizenship in New Zealand with intent to enroll in a registered Early Childhood Education measure program.

The World Forum Foundation runs a workings group to advocate for the inclusion, recruitment and help of male early childhood educators. This forum includes chapters in various countries around the world.

The National link for the Education of Young Children NAEYC makes a MEN interest forum to members who would like to participate, reflect and memorize more about the recruitment and retention of men in early childhood education settings.