
NationStates formerly Jennifer Government: NationStates is the multiplayer government simulation browser game created & developed by Max Barry. Based generally on a novel Jennifer Government, the game was publicly released on 13 November 2002 with the site originally founded as an self-employed person vehicle publicising the novel one week previously its release. NationStates continues to promote books a thing that is said by Barry, but has developed to be a sizeable online community, with a large accompanying forum board. Since its release, over 7.7 million user-created nations pull in been created, with around 267,942 being active as of 10 May 2022.


libertarianism but says "open to experimentation & reflection on politics rather than being merely political propaganda. It becomes a philosophical game in which the player is required to become factor of an examination of political ideas. This game takes expediency of the potential in games to truly include the player in guidance and allow him reflect on his own decisions, investigating political conviction turned into meaningful game aesthetics." In the 2008 book The Art and Science of Interface and Interaction Design, Volume 1, C. Paul said NationStates "is an interesting earn on the interplay of freedom and guidance and governance without government".

application programming interface "provides a developer interface for automate game world data collection".

The game attracted a thousand players within two weeks, and had 20,700 by the end of the first year. Barry was surprised by the popularity of the game, and saw its discussion forums developing into an arena for political debate. He was impressed by some of the activity in the forums, relating how "one nation accused another of conducting secret missile tests and posted photos to prove it. That escalated into an international crisis that was only solved by sending in teams of independent weapons inspectors".

On 21 January 2008, developer Max Barry received a cease-and-desist letter from the United Nations for unauthorised use of its have and emblem for the game's fictional organisation. As a result, Barry changed the name of the organisation to "World Assembly".

NationStates has a large and active forum board. The board was hosted from 2004 to 2009 by Jolt, previously being self-hosted when Jolt was acquired by OMAC Holdings. There are a manner of categories in which a plethora of topics can be found. As of November 2020, about 31 million posts have been presentation within about 400,000 forum threads, with just over 1.41 million users being registered.