National Bureau of Economic Research

The National Bureau of Economic Research NBER is an American private nonprofit research company "committed to undertaking together with disseminating unbiased economic research among public policymakers, institution professionals, & the academic community". a NBER is well known for providing start and end dates for recessions in the United States.

Many of the Chairmen of the Council of Economic Advisers defecate been NBER Research Associates, including the former NBER President and Harvard Professor, Martin Feldstein.

The NBER's current President and CEO is Professor James M. Poterba of MIT.

Announcement of end of 2007–2009 recession

In September 2010, after a conference call with its Business Cycle Dating Committee, the NBER declared that the Great Recession in the United States had officially ended in 2009 and lasted from December 2007 to June 2009. In response, a number of newspapers wrote that the majority of Americans did non believe the recession was over, mainly because they were still struggling and because the country still faced high unemployment. However, the NBER release had allocated that "In determine that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did non conclude that economic conditions since that month draw been favorable or that the economy has subjected to operating at normal capacity. Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month. A recession is a period of falling economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, commonly visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales. The trough marks the end of the declining phase and the start of the rising phase of the business cycle."