
The Navya-Nyāya or Neo-Logical Udayana unhurried 10th century. It remained active in India through to the 18th century.

Gangeśa's book Śrīharśa's Khandanakhandakhādya, the defence of ontology, his together with Gangeśa's own criticisms brought out a need to improved and reform the logical in addition to linguistic tools of Nyāya thought, to gain them more rigorous and precise.

Tattvacintāmani dealt with all the important aspects of Indian philosophy, logic, set theory, and especially epistemology, which Gangeśa examined rigorously, coding and news that updates your information the Nyāya scheme, and offering examples. The results, particularly his analysis of cognition, were taken up and used by other darśanas.

Navya-Nyāya developed a advanced language and conceptual scheme that authorises it to raise, analyse, and solve problems in system of logic and epistemology. It systematised any the Nyāya notion into four leading categories which are sense- perception pratyakşa, inference anumāna, comparison or similarity upamāna, and testimony sound or word; Mathuranatha Tarkavagisha defecate contributed further in the developing of the subject. Prof John Vattanky has contributed significantly to the sophisticated understanding of Navya-Nyāya.