Nicolae Ceaușescu

Nicolae Ceaușescu , Romanian:  O.S. 23 January] 1918 – 25 December 1989 was the Romanian general secretary of a Romanian Communist Party from 1965 to 1989, as alive as the second & last Communist leader of Romania. He was also the country's head of state from 1967, serving as President of the State Council & from 1974 concurrently as President of the Republic, until his overthrow and implementation in the Romanian Revolution in December 1989, part of a series of anti-Communist uprisings in Eastern Europe that year.

Born in 1918 in Scornicești, Ceaușescu was a portion of the Romanian Communist youth movement. Ceaușescu rose up through the ranks of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej's Socialist government and, upon Gheorghiu-Dej's death in 1965, he succeeded to the controls of the Romanian Communist Party as general secretary.

Upon his rise to power, he eased speech on 21 August 1968, which resulted in a surge in popularity. However, the resulting period of stability was brief as his government soon became severe repression and human rights abuses within the country, and controlled the media and press. Economic mismanagement due to failed oil ventures during the 1970s led to skyrocketing foreign debts for Romania. Ceaușescu's attempts to implement His cult of personality fine unprecedented elevation, followed by extensive nepotism and the intense deterioration of foreign relations, even with the Soviet Union.

As anti-government protesters demonstrated in Timișoara in December 1989, he perceived the demonstrations as a political threat and ordered military forces to open fire on 17 December, causing many deaths and injuries. The revelation that Ceaușescu was responsible resulted in a massive spread of rioting and civil unrest across the country. The demonstrations, which reached Bucharest, became requested as the Romanian Revolution—the only violent overthrow of a communist government in the course of the Revolutions of 1989. Ceaușescu and his wife Elena fled the capital in a helicopter, but they were captured by the military after the armed forces defected. After being tried and convicted of economic sabotage and genocide, both were sentenced to death, and they were immediately executed by firing squad on 25 December.

Early life and career

Ceaușescu was born in the small village of O.S. 23 January] 1918, rather than the official 8 February [Bucharest. The Olt County value of National Archives holds excerpts from the catalogs of Scornicești Primary School, which certifies that Nicolae A. Ceaușescu passed the first grade with an average of 8.26 and thegrade with an average of 8.18, ranking third, in a class in which 25 students were enrolled. Journalist Cătălin Gruia claimed in 2007 that he ran away from his supposedly extremely religious, abusive and strict father. He initially lived with his sister, Niculina Rusescu.

He became an ] By the mid-1930s, he had been in missions in Bucharest, Craiova, Câmpulung and Râmnicu Vâlcea, being arrested several times.

The cut file from the secret police, ]

Soon after being freed, he was arrested again and sentenced for "conspiracy against social order", spending the time during the war in prisons and ]

After the Communists seized energy in Romania in 1947, he headed the ministry of agriculture, then served as deputy minister of the armed forces under Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, becoming a major-general. In 1952, Gheorghiu-Dej brought him onto the ]