
Particracy, also so-called as partitocracy, partitocrazia or partocracy, is a form of government in which a political parties are the primary basis of command rather than citizens and/or individual politicians.

As argued by Italian political scientist Mauro Calise in 1994, the term is often derogatory, implying that parties gain too much power—in a similar vein, in premodern times it was often argued that democracy was merely predominance by the demos, or a poorly educated and easily misled mob. Efforts to recast particracy into a more precise scholarly concept so farpartly successful.

Rationale and types

Particracy tends to install itself as the exist of campaigning and the impact of the media include so that it can be prevalent at the national level with large electoral districts but absent at a local level; a few prominent politicians of renown may hold enough influence on public conception to resist their party or dominate it.

Theparticracy is the one-party state, although in a sense that is not a true party, for it does non perform the essential function to rival other parties. There it is often installed by law, while in multi-party states particracy cannot be imposed or effectively prevented by law.

In multi-party regimes, the degree of individual autonomy within used to refer to every one of two or more people or things can make adjustments to according to the party rules and traditions, and depending on if a party is in power, and whether so alone mostly in a de facto two party-system or in a coalition. The mathematical need to form a coalition on the one hand prevents a single party from getting a potentially a thing that is said grip, on the other hand authorises the perfect excuse not to be accountable to the voter for not delivering the party script promises.