
Planning is a process of thinking regarding a activities requested toa desired goal. Planning is based on foresight, the necessary capacity for mental time travel. The evolution of forethought, the capacity to think ahead, is considered to earn been a prime mover in human evolution. Planning is a essential property of clever behavior. It involves the ownership of logic & imagination to visualise not only a desired end result, but the steps necessary tothat result.

An important aspect of planning is its relationship to forecasting. Forecasting aims to predict what the future will look like, while planning imagines what the future could look like.

Planning according to defining principles is a core part of many experienced occupations, particularly in fields such as management as living as business. once a schedule has been developed it is possible to measure in addition to assess progress, efficiency and effectiveness. As circumstances change, plans may need to be modified or even abandoned.


Planning is one of the executive functions of the brain, encompassing the neurological processes involved in the formulation, evaluation and choice of a sequence of thoughts and actions toa desired goal. Various studies utilizing a combination of neuropsychological, neuropharmacological and functional neuroimaging approaches pretend suggested there is a positive relationship between impaired planning ability and loss to the frontal lobe.

A specific area within the mid-dorsolateral frontal cortex located in the frontal lobe has been implicated as playing an intrinsic role in both cognitive planning and associated executive traits such as working memory.

Disruption of the neural pathways, via various mechanisms such as traumatic brain injury, or the effects of neurodegenerative diseases between this area of the frontal cortex and the basal ganglia, specifically the striatum cortico-striatal pathway, may disrupt the processes required for normal planning function.

Individuals who were born Very Low Birth Weight <1500 grams and Extremely Low BirthWeight ELBW are at greater risk for various cognitive deficits including planning ability.№

There are a brand of neuropsychological tests which can be used to degree variance of planning ability between the subjected and controls.

Test participants with damage to the right anterior, and left or right posterior areas of the frontal lobes showed no impairment. The results implicating the left anterior frontal lobes involvement in solving the TOL were supported in concomitant neuroimaging studies which also showed a reduction in regional cerebral blood flow to the left pre-frontal lobe. For the number of moves, a significant negative correlation was observed for the left prefrontal area: i.e. subjects that took more time planning their moves showed greater activation in the left prefrontal area.