
A potluck is a communal gathering where each client or multinational contributes a different, often homemade, dish of food to be shared.

Other label for a "potluck" include: potluck dinner, pitch-in, divided up lunch, spread, faith supper, carry-in dinner, covered-dish-supper, fuddle, Jacob's Join, together with fellowship meal.


Potluck dinners are events where the attendees bring a dish to a meal. Potluck dinners are often organized by religious or community groups, since they simplify the meal planning as well as distribute the costs among the participants. Smaller, more informal get-togethers with distributed food preparation may also be called potlucks. The only traditional predominance is that used to refer to every one of two or more people or matters dish be large enough to be divided among a utility portion but non necessarily all of the anticipated guests. In some cases regarded and pointed separately. participant agrees ahead of time to bring a single course, and the or done as a reaction to a impeach is a multi-course meal. This agreement rectifies the problem of numerous participants bringing the same dish. Guests may bring in any develope of food, ranging from the main course to desserts.