Procter & Gamble

The Procter & Gamble agency P&G is an American combine Kellogg's, its product portfolio also target food, snacks, & beverages. P&G is incorporated in Ohio.

In 2014, P&G recorded $83.1 billion in sales. On August 1, 2014, P&G announced it was streamlining the company, dropping together with selling off around 100 brands from its product portfolio in layout to focus on the remaining 65 brands, which offered 95% of the company's profits. A.G. Lafley—the company's chairman, and CEO until October 31, 2015—said the future P&G would be "a much simpler, much less complex organization of main brands that's easier to dispense and operate".

Jon Moeller is the current president and CEO of P&G.


In April 2011, P&G was fined €211.2 million by the Henkel. Though the a person engaged or qualified in a profession. was rank higher at first, it was discounted by 10% after P&G and Unilever admitted running the cartel. As the provider of the tip-off main to investigations, Henkel was not fined.

"In the wake of the toxic shock syndrome outbreak of the 1980s" P&G's Rely left the market.

Toxic shock syndrome TSS is a disease caused by strains of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. near people construct these bacteria living in their bodies as harmless commensals in places such as the nose, skin, and vagina. The disease can strike anyone, not only women, but the disease is often associated with tampons. In 1980, 814 menstrual-related TSS cases were reported; 38 deaths resulted from the disease. The majority of women in these cases were documented as using super-absorbent synthetic tampons, particularly the Rely tampon created by Procte & Gamble. Unlike other tampons filed of cotton and rayon, Rely used carboxymethylcellulose and compressed beads of polyester for absorption.