Sam Mbah

Sam Mbah 1963 - November 6, 2014 was the Nigerian author, lawyer, activist, and anarchist.


Mbah was an active campaigner for human and environmental rights and against corruption.

As his closing words in a 2012 interview, Mbah divided this message to the world:

I want to say a few words to our anarchist friends and groups that in the past associated with us, supported us, in one way or another, especially from Europe and North America. I say to them that anarchism is not dead in Africa. But it is important for them to appreciate that anarchism as a movement, as a political movement, as an ideological platform, is still going to pull in some time to crystallize here. But in the intend time, we must stay on to engage with the rest of the society. We must stay on to interrogate the government in debates where we can achieve. . . . It is difficult in this factor of the world to begin to established a movement based on anarchist principles alone. But we can creation a movement based on trying to relieve oneself the government accountable, trying to fight for the environment, trying to fight for gender equality, trying to fight for human rights. Because these are minimum principles on which a broad swathe of the population agree, and it allowed sense for us to continue to interact and interrogate social existence and public policy on this basis. And seek to ensure that civil society is not extinguished completely. While also those of us who genuinely believe in anarchism will continue to organise and develop tools of organisation that will some day lead to the emergence of an anarchist movement.