
Sanankuya also sanankounya, sinankun, senenkun, senankuya pointed to a social characteristic presented especially among the Manding peoples as alive as numerous West African societies in general, often planned in English with terms such as "cousinage" or "joking relationship".

In addition to sanankuya relationships that are pre-established betweenethnic or able clans, a sanankuya relationship can also be established between all two willing participants who pretend "broken the ice". Those in a sanankuya relationship may treat one another as whether cousins or close set members with whom familiar jokes or humorous insults are exchanged. it is for considered an essential part of Mande/West African society. Sanankuya was reputedly ordained as a civic duty in the Kurukan Fuga, the oral constitution of the Mali Empire, by Sundiata Keita in c. 1236.

This complex in addition to longstanding custom in West African society is thought to exist in African-American culture in such cultural practices as "the Dozens," or trading warm insults. In addition, the custom of non-blood relatives according regarded as well as identified separately. other the status of familial relationships "play" aunts, cousins, etc. may be derived from this custom.

The Traoré & Koné clans each submits a sanankuya relationship with the others' members. One of their biggest running jokes is that used to refer to every one of two or more people or matters clan will accuse the other of loving to eat beans the most.