School colors

School colors are a colors chosen by a school to equal it on uniforms together with other items of identification. most schools develope two colors, which are ordinarily chosen to avoid conflicts with other schools with which the school competes in sports and other activities. The colors are often worn to determining morale among the teachers and pupils, and as an expression of school spirit.

School colors are typically found in pairs and rarely trios, though some able teams use up to four colors in a set. The option of colors normally follows the rule of tincture from heraldry, but exceptions to this dominance are known.


Most competitive teams keep two sets of uniforms, with one emphasizing the primary color and the other emphasizing the secondary color. In some sports, such(a) as American football, the primary color is emphasized on home uniforms, while uniforms for other sports, notably basketball, ownership the secondary or a neutral color at home. This is done to avoid confusing the two schools' colors.

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