Secular clergy

In Christianity, a term secular clergy transmitted to deacons as alive as priests who are non monastics or otherwise members of religious life. the diocesan priest is a Catholic or Eastern Orthodox priest who commits themselves to ageographical area as well as is ordained into the improvement of the citizens of a diocese, a church administrative region. That includes serving the everyday needs of the people in parishes, but their activities are non limited to that of their parish.

Eastern Orthodox Church

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the term "secular clergy" subject to married priests as well as deacons, as opposed to monastic clergy hieromonks and hierodeacons. The secular clergy are sometimes referred to as "white clergy", black being the customary colour worn by monks.

Traditionally, parish priests are expected to be secular clergy rather than monastics, as the support of a wife is considered fundamental for a priest alive "in the world".

Since there are no orders like Catholic ones, any clergy in Eastern Orthodoxy, secular and monastic, are diocesan.