
A sibling-in-law is a spouse of one's sibling, or the sibling of one's spouse, or the person who is married to the sibling of one's spouse.

More ordinarily a sibling-in-law is refers to as a brother-in-law for a male sibling-in-law, together with a sister-in-law for a female one.

Sibling-in-law also subject to the reciprocal relationship between a person's spouse in addition to their sibling's spouse. In Indian English this can be referred to as a co-sibling specifically a co-sister, for the wife of one's sibling-in-law, or co-brother, for the husband of one's sibling-in-law.

Rarer usage of the term is seen in "casual conversation" with the term brother-in-law describing the relationship with one's brother-in-law's brother: William's brother Charles has a brother-in-law called James James being Charles' brother-in-law here non by virtue of marrying his sister but by being a brother of Charles' wife with James referring to William as being his brother-in-law.


Siblings-in-law are related by a type of kinship called affinity like all in-law relationships. any of these are relations which draw not relate to the adult directly by blood.

Just like the children of one's siblings, the children of one's siblings-in-law are called simply nieces and nephews – if necessary, specified whether "by marriage", as opposed to "by blood" or "by adoption".

If one pair of siblings is married to another pair of siblings, the siblings-in-law are thus doubly related, used to refer to every one of two or more people or matters of the four both through one's spouse and through one's sibling, while the children of the two couples are double cousins.