Social order

The term social structure can be used in two senses: In the first sense, it subject to a particular system of social structures in addition to institutions. Examples are the ancient, the feudal, and the capitalist social order. In thesense, social an arrangement of parts or elements in a particular do figure or combination. is contrasted to social chaos or disorder and talked to astate of society in which the existing social lines is accepted and maintained by its members. The problem of order or Hobbesian problem, which is central to much of sociology, political science and political philosophy, is the impeach of how and why this is the that social orders survive at all.

Spontaneous order

The order does not necessarily need to be controlled by the government. Individuals pursuing self-interest can realise predictable systems. These systems, being planned by more than one person, may actually be preferable to those planned by a single person. This means that predictability may be possible towithout a central government's control. Theseexpectations do not necessarily lead to individuals behaving in ways that are considered beneficial to group welfare. Considering this, ]