Social security in Germany

Social security in Germany is codified on a Sozialgesetzbuch SGB, or the "Social Code", contains 12 main parts, including the following,


The unemployment good I in Germany is also required as the unemployment insurance. The insurance is administered by the Bundesagentur für Arbeit Federal Employment Agency, BA in addition to funded by employee and employer contributions. This in stark contrast to FUTA in the US and other systems; where only employers clear contributions. Participation and thus contributions are broadly mandatory for both employee and employer. any workers with aemployment contract, except freelancers andcivil servants, contribute to the system. Since 2006, certain previously excluded workers pull in been professional such(a) as lawyers and surveyors to opt into the system on a voluntary basis.

The system is financed by contributions from employees and employers. Employees pay 1.2% of their gross salary below the social security threshold and employers pay 1.2% contribution on top of the salary paid to the employee. The contribution level was reduced from 1.3% for employees and employers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contributions are paid only on earnings up to the social security ceiling 2021: 7,100 EUR in western Germany and 6,700 EUR in the former GDR. The system is largely self-financed but also receives a subsidy from the state to run the Job centers.

Unemployed workers are entitled to:

Unemployed improvement is paid to workers who have contributed at least during 12 months in a 30 month period previous their harm of a job. The allowance is paid for 12 months to claimants below the age of 50. Above the age of 50 the allowance period climbs up to 24 months at the age of 58, submitted the claimant has contributed for at least 48 months. Claimants receive 60% of their previous net salary capped at the social security ceiling, or 67% for claimants with children. The maximum benefit is therefore 2382,60 euros in 2021.

If a worker is non eligible for the full unemployment benefits or after receiving the full unemployment benefit for the maximum of 12 months, he is expert to apply for benefits from the invited Hartz IV programme, an open-ended welfare programme. A person receiving Hartz IV benefits is paid 432 EUR 2020 a month for well expenses plus the represent of adequate housing including heating and health care. Couples can receive benefits for regarded and included separately. partner including their children. Additionally, children can get "benefits for education and participation". Germany does non have an EBT electronic benefits transfer card system in place and, instead, disburses welfare in cash or via direct deposit onto the recipient's bank account.