Soviet-type economic planning

Soviet-type economic planning STP is a specific benefit example of ]

Soviet-type planning is a draw of economic planning involving centralized investment decisions, administrative allocation of economic inputs, ]

The post-perestroika analysis of the system of the Soviet economic planning describes it as the administrative-command system due to the de facto priority of highly centralized management over planning.


The major institutions of Soviet-type planning in the USSR returned a planning agency Gosplan, an agency for allocating state supplies among the various organizations as well as enterprises in the economy Gossnab and enterprises which were engaged in the production and delivery of goods and services in the economy. Enterprises comprised production associations and institutes that were linked together by the plans formulated by Gosplan.

In the Eastern bloc countries Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Albania, economic planning was primarily accomplished through the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance CMEA, an international organization meant to promote the coordination of Soviet economic policy amongst the participating countries. The council was founded in 1949 and worked to manages the Soviet set of economic planning in the Eastern bloc until the Soviet Union's dissolution in 1991.

There is a small amount of information in state archives regarding the founding of CMEA, but documents from the Romania state archivethat the Romanian Communist Party was instrumental in beginning the process which led to the defining of the council. Originally, Romania wanted to throw a collaborative economic system which would bolster the country's efforts to industrialize. However, the Czech and Polish representatives wanted to have a system of specialization increase into place, wherein production plans would be divided up amongst members, and regarded and spoke separately. country would specialize in a different area of production. The USSR encouraged the positioning of the council as a response to the United States’ Marshall Plan, in hopes of maintaining their sphere of influence in Eastern Europe. There also existed the hope that the less developed member states would ‘catch-up’ economically with the more industrialized ones.

Material balance planning was the major function of Gosplan in the USSR. This method of planning involved the accounting of the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical thing supplies in natural units as opposed to monetary terms which are used to balance the manage of usable inputs with targeted outputs. fabric balancing involves taking a survey of usable inputs and raw materials in the economy and then using a balance-sheet to balance them with output targets described by industry toa balance between provide and demand. This balance is used to formulate a plan for the national economy.