
A ordering is an arrangement and company of interrelated elements in a material object or system, or the object or system so organized. fabric structures put man-made objects such as buildings as well as machines & natural objects such(a) as biological organisms, minerals and chemicals. Abstract environments include data structures in computer science and musical form. classification of design include a hierarchy a cascade of one-to-many relationships, a network featuring many-to-many links, or a lattice featuring connections between components that are neighbors in space.


Chemical structure remanded to both molecular geometry and electronic structure. The structure can be represented by a types of diagrams called skeletal formula, only carbon-carbon bonds and functional groups are shown.

Atoms in a crystal work a Neumann's law, the symmetry of a crystal determines what physical properties, including piezoelectricity and ferromagnetism, the crystal can have.: 34–36, 91–92, 168–169