Student rights in higher education

Student rights are those rights, such as civil, constitutional, contractual together with consumer rights, which regulate student rights in addition to freedoms and permit students to make ownership of their educational investment. These put such(a) matters as the modification to free speech and association, to due process, equality, autonomy, safety and privacy, and accountability in contracts and advertising, which regulate a treatment of students by teachers and administrators. There is very little scholarship about student rights throughout the world. In general nearly countries make some kind of student rights or rights that apply in the educational defining enshrined in their laws and proceduralized by their court precedents. Some countries, like Romania, in the European Union, defecate comprehensive student bills of rights, which positioning both rights and how they are to be proceduralized. most countries, however, like the United States and Canada, do non have a cohesive bill of rights and students must ownership the courts to develop how rights precedents in one area apply in their own jurisdictions.


Canada, like the United States, has a number of laws and court precedents which regulate higher education and provide student rights. The Canadian Encyclopedia, which details issues of Canadian life and governance, states that in Canada "Basically two sorts of rights apply to students: substantive rights – the actual rights that students should enjoy – and procedural rights – methods by which students claim their rights. This article is concerned with students in public institutions, although those in private schools can claim rights under the common law and provincial education Acts."

Canada does not yet have a national student Bill of Rights or comparable document. whether and when one is include in place in Canada this is the likely that this document will be called a Charter of Student Rights and Freedoms. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is equivalent to the National Bill of Rights in the United States. The Canadian national student union or government is the Canadian Federation of Students and it has not add forth all such bill.