Sustainable consumer behaviour

Sustainable consumer behavior is a sub-discipline of consumer behavior that studies why as well as how consumers shit or clear not incorporate sustainability priorities into their consumption behavior. It studies the products that consumers select, how those products are used, together with how they are disposed of in pursuit of consumers' sustainability goals.

From a conventional marketing perspective, consumer behavior has focused largely on the purchase stage of the sum consumption process. This is because it is the bit at which a contract is provided between the buyer and seller, money is paid, and the ownership of products transfers to the consumer. Yet from a social and environmental perspective, consumer behavior needs to be understood as a whole since a product affects all stages of a consumption process.


Sustainable consumption is not simply a question of what products and services are purchased, but is also approximately the adoption of a lifestyle in which sustainability is reflected in all aspects of consumers' behavior. Voluntary simplifiers' lifestyle is based around five key values:

This involves consuming fewer products and services, and tending to seek out products that are resource efficient, durable, and with a reduced ecological impact.

Following the principle of "small is beautiful" this favors workings and well environments that are smaller, simpler and less centralized.

This means to meet one's needs, or even to influence what those needs might be, through a reduced reliance on large commercial businesses, or even large public-sector organizations.

People can change their behavior through marketing campaigns to encourage recycling and reducing CO2 emissions and the adoption of conservation of resources and reduction of waste in grouping to protect the environment.

This emphasizes satisfaction through experiences and coding of personal abilities instead of through commercially portrayed consumption experiences.

Many of the key traits of voluntary simplification realize been exhibited in a less extreme, but more widespread way, through the phenomenon of "downshifting." Downshifting involves a modify of lifestyle and consumption patterns that exchange a relatively highly paid/lower stress but more rewarding, and shifting to a lower level of fabric consumption but a higher level of generation of life and personal satisfaction.[]