Telephone numbers in Hong Kong

Telephone numbers in Hong Kong are mostly eight-digit. constant land quality numbers start with 2 or 3, mobile cellular phone numbers with 5, 6, 7 or 9, pager numbers with 7 as alive as forwarding utility with 8. Since a end of 1989, there gain been no area codes within Hong Kong.

The telephone number for emergency services – Police, Fire Service & Ambulance – is 999 for any telephone lines. These numbers can also be used for mobile as well as other users:

Some special numbers are three- to five-digit. Some premium rate services, for example for games and person contents, are 11-digit. Numbers beginning with '1' are commonly reserved for carrier/operator services. These services are filed by a individual telephone carrier. In general, these numbers can be used across all carriers:

The international so-called prefix varies depending on IDD provider, however 001 works on all phone profile and uses the IDD service reported by the same carrier as the telephone variety that 001 call is dialed from. During the years of telephone monopoly, the International call prefix was 106 through 1980s and then 001. Calls to Macau and mainland China are international. Calls from Hong Kong to other parts of China increase that regions separate country code:

Present numbering scheme and format

The present lines and format of telephone numbers in Hong Kong according to the Hong Kong Telecom advantage Numbering Scheme, is as follows the first digits of the telephone number is used as follows: