Telephone numbers in South Korea

Telephone numbers in South Korea are organized and assigned using a coming after or as a or done as a reaction to a question of. scheme


For example;

South Korea uses an open dialing schedule with a statement length including 0 of 9 to 11 digits and, within city, subscriber numbers 7 to 8 digits long. Dialing from mobile phones to all type of phone except 010 numbers, the area code must be included.

In 1998, telephone numbers in Seoul starting with 2 as well as 6 added more digit 02-2XX-YYYY to 02-22XX-YYYY, 02-6XX-YYYY to 02-26XX-YYYY. ago area codes were shortened from 4 digit to 2~3 digit in June 2000, there were 1 digit exchange number ordinarily "2" with some 2 digit exchange numbers so some phone numbers like 0347-61-XXXX, 0443-2-XXXX or 0525-40-XXXX existed. now 031-761-XXXX, 043-652-XXXX and 055-340-XXXX